Living in the Moment

Carrie KittingerFaith, Marriage, Parenting

carriekittinger-living-in-the-momentMany times this summer I’ve found myself missing the younger years with my kids. I recently passed by a church that was in full Vacation Bible School (VBS) mode and fun memories came flooding through my mind. For years my kids attended two weeks of VBS. One at our home church where I volunteered and brought neighborhood kids along with us. Another at a friend’s church that had a great VBS, where I’d drop the kids off and enjoy a few hours to myself. For those two weeks, we’d play the VBS  songs in the car wherever we went and we can still recall many of them today. It’s great to put Scripture to song!

A few days later, as I was entering the library, kids and mommas were lining up for story time. My kids loved going to the library for story time and picking out books  – I’m certain I still owe the library some fines from overdue books. They earned prizes and coupons each summer as they completed reading plans.  Summer was always such a fun time for us.

Why do I tell you all of this? Enjoy the moment you are in because change is around the corner. Each stage of life has it’s own ups and downs.  If we’re not careful, we will find ourselves stuck in the past or longing for the future, while missing out on the joy of the moment.

… in Your presence there is fullness of joy …

Psalm 16:11

God is with us in each moment. Not just the favorite ones. Not just the ones in our dreams where we have it all together.

Right now. This moment. This day. This season. This life.

Not all married people are happier than single people. Not all single people are lonelier than married people. Not all older moms parented perfectly. Not all younger moms are able to keep up the Instagram or Pinterest perfect life. Let’s extend grace to others in the season they are in. Let’s extend grace to ourselves as we look back and see our inadequacy. We won’t be perfect or complete until we see Jesus face to face. We are all a work in progress.

A few years ago I had the privilege of visiting the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. I was amazed to see how his wife, Ruth, maintained a humble and authentic life for her family.

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.

Proverbs 18:22

Ruth’s behind the scenes ministry at home gave Billy the fortitude to keep going. They didn’t allow “fame” to sway their God-given calling and anointing. They stayed the course. Ruth finished her race well and Billy is now close to finishing his. Maybe it was nice that social media wasn’t a thing during most of their ministry. They were able to be fully engaged whether ministering publicly or at home.carriekittinger-living-in-the-moment-2

Ruth’s simple tombstone reads, “End of Construction – Thank you for your patience.”

Are you yielding yourself to the work of Jesus? The work He completed on the cross to remove your sin and bring you into God’s family, as well as the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer. May we be people who live fully in the moment.

We must lean into Him. We must lay our lives down. The Lord is working on our behalf, and to receive the full benefit of His work, we must surrender. Let’s be patient with one another and with ourselves. Let’s allow the Lord to finish the work He started.

Let’s not be stuck in the past or in a dream of the future – let’s be fully engaged in the moment with Jesus.

These are the moments we will find joy no matter our season.