Jesus Still Breaks Through

Carrie KittingerFaith

carriekittinger-Jesus-Still-Breaks-ThroughjI am currently praying for many who are in need of a breakthrough, and it is encouraging to remember the greatest breakthrough in history. Jesus broke through the barrier of sin to make a way for us to come near to God. On the cross, Jesus spoke, “It is finished.” (John 19:30). At that moment, the veil, which separated the common from the holy, was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51).

Not only did Jesus break through the barrier of sin on the cross, but He broke through the barrier of death through His resurrection.

Each time we call upon His name, He is still able to break through insurmountable barriers that stand in our way. He will help you break through to the other side. By the breath of His nostrils, the Red Sea split and the Israelites walked through on dry ground.

By the power of the cross and resurrection, when we surrender to the Lord, His Holy Spirit splits a path for us to enter into new life.

Jesus breaks through, but we must walk through and enter in.

What area of your life do you need a breakthrough in? A relationship? Your health? Your finances? Your countenance? When Jesus walked the earth most did not realize the Messiah was in their midst. When Jesus was raised to life, still many did not believe. When we face hardship it is difficult to see the abundant life Jesus promised.

Remember what Jesus said about trouble?

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

As we focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus this week, let’s not forget that He made a way, ONCE FOR ALL TIME, for any who choose to enter in (Hebrews 7:27). This awesome act of sacrifice and love that Jesus gave is just as powerful today as it was over 2,000 years ago. What else can we say that about? For the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross. It was the joy of reconciling us to the Father! Jesus wants us to be people who break through.

In the book of Micah, there is a beautiful reference to Jesus, our Messiah.

One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their king will pass through before them, the Lord at their head. Micah 2:13

Jesus broke open the way for us! He paid a debt we couldn’t pay. He gave His life for us. It was a sacrifice that took laying down His will and picking up the Father’s will. For God so loved the world that He gave His Son. The Father loved, the Son gave and the Holy Spirit broke through. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is alive and active in those who have chosen life through Jesus.

And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.
Romans 8:11

Lay your burdens at the cross and come boldly to the throne of grace.

Trust the Lord to break through your insurmountable barriers. Trust that Jesus loves you and has not forgotten you. Trust that He is mighty to save. Trust that when you call, He answers. Trust that when you don’t understand His ways, they are still greater than our ways. Trust that nothing is too difficult for the Lord. Trust that you are the apple of His eye. Trust that, even in the midst of trouble, He will help you overcome.

When we choose Jesus, we have resurrection!

The next time you see the sun break through the darkness, remember Jesus breaking through for you. His mercies are fresh and new every morning and great is His faithfulness!

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!