Comparing or Cheering?

Carrie KittingerFaith, VLogs

Am I the only one who compares my circumstances to others?  Jesus addressed Peter, one of His disciples, about this very thing when Peter had his eyes on another disciple, John.

When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?  You must follow me.”

John 21:21-22

Somehow this verse is comforting to me.  Jesus’ disciples dealt with normal, human emotions and thoughts.  Jesus’ answer to Peter was short and succinct, “You must follow me.”  What if we stopped comparing ourselves and our circumstances with others and simply followed Jesus?  This takes trust.  A trust that follows no matter what the path looks like.  A trust that continues to follow no matter what or who we see around us.

This walk with Jesus is personal.  Yes, we need community but more than anything we need trust in Jesus.  He has our best interest in mind at ALL times.

How are you doing at following the leader?  We must keep our eyes fixed and one foot in front of the other in trust.  Take comfort that the Lord is with you.  He is cheering you on!

I’m cheering you on as well ~ take a few minutes to listen in.