A Woman of Prayer

Carrie KittingerFaith, VLogs

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

James 5:16b-18

Prayer doesn’t require superpowers but faith in our all-powerful God! Throughout the pages of Scripture, we see examples of men and women of faith and it could be easy to put them on a pedestal. What a great reminder in this passage in James of our humanity and God’s power joining together.

Prayer doesn’t require perfection but a heart humbly surrendered to Jesus. We are declared righteous through Jesus and from this right standing, we can pray with confidence. When a righteous person prays, power and motion take effect.

Prayer reaches heaven! My mind cannot figure out how a telephone wire or cell phone signal work but I know there is a connection. We may not be able to fully grasp how our prayer reaches the Lord’s ear, but by faith, we trust there is a connection.

What about you? Are you known as a woman of prayer or one of complaint, gossip, fear or offense? Complaining breeds misery and doesn’t solve our problems. When we take our needs and complaints to the Lord first, our negative attitude begins to dissipate.  Prayer boosts our faith and moves the heart of God. Make the shift today from a woman of complaint to a woman of prayer!

Click on the picture below to listen in as I share on prayer in the midst of our humanness.