Just Be Still

Carrie KittingerFaith, Marriage, Parenting

carriekittinger-just-be-stillIn the transition to “empty nest”, I found it difficult to nail down exactly what each day should look like. I had been a stay-at-home mom who did a lot more than just stay at home. I love being a wife and a mom and running a household. I also love ministering to women through speaking and writing and leading. I had juggled these passions well for many years, but as my kids left the nest it felt different. I have not birthed multiples, but I’ve heard it said that after giving birth to the first, the next baby suddenly has all the womb space and doesn’t feel the pressure to leave. After my kiddos left, I suddenly had more space but felt paralyzed with what to do.

On one particularly difficult day I asked my husband, “What do you want me to do?” He said, “Just be my wife.”


We don’t do that well. Maybe in vulnerable times of transition, we need to be okay with “just being” a child of God. We need to allow Him to be our lifeline. We need to lean in close to hear His voice clearly. We need to embrace the quiet season in preparation for the next season. We need to be okay with a slower pace.

He says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10

A quiet season and a slower pace do not equal being lazy or unproductive. On the contrary, a slower pace allows us to catch our breath for the busy times ahead. We cannot maintain a full speed pace at all times – yet we must not stay in a place of rest too long either.

Our best defense against laziness or burn out is to JUST BE a daughter or son of the Most High. Allow Him to set the pace. Allow Him to say when to move and when to rest. When to speak and when to be quiet. When to plant and when to reap. When to dream and when to activate. When to engage and when to retreat.

When faced with big decisions, I truly want to honor the Lord and follow His lead. I often wonder what the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night looked like when the Israelites were wandering in the desert. Sometimes I wish the Lord would provide a distinct visual sign for me to follow. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit’s job is to lead us into truth. We must quiet ourselves to listen and prepare our hearts to obey. If we get off course the Holy Spirit will recalculate our steps, as long as we’re tuning in to listen.

It’s often said that we need to live a balanced life. I believe when we dwell in Jesus, He is our balance. Your life may not feel balanced, but with Jesus at the center, you can trust Him to keep you safe even in the midst of a storm.

We must choose to quiet our soul, to be still and let God be God – but sometimes the journey of a stilled soul requires a firm rebuke towards the waves that come against us. This action on our part results in subsequent peace.

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Mark 4:39

Where are you today? Are you in a time of rest? Let this “be still” time be purposeful, refreshing you for the season ahead. Are you in a storm? As a believer in Jesus, don’t forget to use the Holy Spirit’s power within you to rebuke those waves of fear, doubt, and unbelief.

Wherever you find yourself, purposefully press on to KNOW the Lord.